Wednesday, July 29, 2009
VACATION, Class of 84

Currently on my day off. My vacation is coming up and believe me when I say "I cannot wait". I will be going to my home town of Del Norte Colorado. My uncle will be celebrating his 20th class reunion. Class of 1984. My cousin from Chicago will be coming down also. These guys are funnier then hell. They have so many stories of crazy shit that they did and all the antics. Going back home will be exciting and fun. There are a lot of folks back home that I cannot wait to see. Now that being said there are also people that I do not want to see. I know that if I cross paths with them there could be possible altercations. I will be more than happy to settle a problems with anybody when I go back.
My other 2 sons will be coming home soon. I really do miss them. It has been a little difficult without them here. They feel in all the quite time and always keep me on my toes. It is going to be good to get things back to normal. They will be going back to school 2 weeks after they get back. We also need to start to get ready for up and coming wrestling season. My 6yr old had a great season last year. It was his first time wrestling and he took 1st, 3rd and won a match and the regional tournament. He is going to have a great year. My oldest boy is also going to wrestle. It is very exciting to see by sons succeed.
Man, my direct deposit has not hit yet and the budget is a little tight this month. Man I hope that nobody F-up and I got to raise some hell. Last time that happened I almost went on a nose bleed just kidding. I cannot wait to go on VACATION.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Vacation on the way

One more day of work and then some vacation. It has been a little tuff at work lately. I deal with people all day that are screaming, yelling, and blaming you for everything. They argue the facts and work the system. They never want to take responsibility for their decisions or live up to their history. It gets very tiresome to deal with these people on a consistent basis. What amazes me is that people will go out and purchase services that they cannot afford but continue to use them. Americans are the reason we are in the boat we are. We think that we can just do what we want and that we do not have to pay for nothing. I have made decisions in my life and I had to face the consequences of my actions. I was taught early to lay in the grave if I dug it. It is hard for most of us to come to terms with things when we are wrong. When we caused our own pain. That needs to change. We cannot continue to live like this in America because it will bring it down in flames.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Funny Folks

Today was a special day for me. As an American I know that there are many different types of folks that walk our great lands, but there is another type of category that Americans can be placed into. The common sense people and the less common sense people. I believe that I would fall into the common sense people but then I start to think...I could easily end up in the other. It sounds like I am rambling on. When someone listens to the both sides consistently for many years, things start to clear up. To tell the difference between the 2 what I have come up with is initial contact. When I fist here someone speak I make the decision right away as to which one they are. That then lets me know how to speak and act with this person. I do this because it sets me up for less time in either sides presence. You may think I a jerk but you do not live in my world.

Yesterday had its moments. One of the ladies that I have worked with for awhile was fired yesterday. It was very disappointing to find out that this had happened. Yes she struggled a little bit but no body wanted to help her. She had her issues but we all do. I believe that everybody needs to get help to get where they need to be and if that does not work keep on trying. She was not a lost cause she just needed to be dealt with a little different than others. I am still upset about the whole thing. There is nothing that I can do now. Still very upset.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Last day off

Well this day started off like any other day. A green cup full of folders finest. There was that fact that my son would be coming home today. That makes the day eventful. Spent the morning cleaning out the pool and getting it ready to be swam in. The water was nice and clear but, there were some spots that still had dirt. The weather was hot. The kind of dry hot that really heats things up. My girl friend and I spent most of the day chilling in the house watching TV. We got a little excited about getting out son, so time seemed to go real slow. We did take the drive to go get him. It was a good drive, good weather except for some rain on the way back. It was so good to have our son again. He does feel in those moments that you need a reality check. It is amazing how some that small can make such a big difference. His little voice, wild hair, funny little faces and all the other wonderful things that he does. It makes our life and the moments we have special. I love being a dad.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Chill Day

Today was a real chill day. Much was not done. My son is still gone, but he is doing okay. My sister said she might bring him home tomorrow or Friday so that is good. He seems to be getting along well. He has not had any real big problems with being away. That is good. He needs to get used to being with them.
Today I had a listening problem. I tend to get caught up in my own self and not listen to the issues. This problem gets me in a lot of trouble. I really need to work on this. It effects everybody around me. I will get better.
Today we found out that Barnett will not fight Fedor. Affliction is scrambling to get a replacement. $$$$ is what needs to be offered to the right fighter. I hope that this puts a knot in the Fedor doom. Maybe this will be the fight where Fedor loses. In his last fight he was losing until the Pit Bull made a mistake. If a fighter can go in and win the exchanges and does not get caught he will win. Hope to see this fight.
Tomorrow I really need to finish the yard work.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Day Off #1

Well today started off okay. I had the booger eyes so I washed them away with some discounted Folgers coffee. My sister and her family slept down stairs. My girl friend was out of the house early, she had some classes to go to at the college. My son was up early and wanting some nanans (that what he calls it). Today my son was going to leave and stay a week with his Aunt and Grandma. It was hard to let him go. You get used to your child around all the time and confortable with the days events. When that is not there no day is eventful. I took care of some yard work after he left. With a sippy cup in his hand and snug in the car seat. Little lips blowing kisses and saying goodbye. My other 2 boys are gone also. Me and my girl friend will take some time to ourself's.
Heard from work today. Good news so that was awesome. Things are turning around so hopefully the stress level will balance out. Watched the movie WatchMen but passed out in the middle. We watched another movie but I cannot remember the name at this moment. Overall it was a semi good day. Not having my son makes the day a little hard. He will be gone for a week, but maybe he will come home sooner.
In the famous words of Yoda "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Be good.
Just starting

Well this is the first Blog post. Today was a challenging day. It was filled full of tasks and meetings. Some times I feel that it is all for nothing. Work is created but at the end you finished product is weak and tired. The motivation factor is missing.
My son will be leaving. Sadness. Will post tomorrow.
My son will be leaving. Sadness. Will post tomorrow.
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