Well today started off okay. I had the booger eyes so I washed them away with some discounted Folgers coffee. My sister and her family slept down stairs. My girl friend was out of the house early, she had some classes to go to at the college. My son was up early and wanting some nanans (that what he calls it). Today my son was going to leave and stay a week with his Aunt and Grandma. It was hard to let him go. You get used to your child around all the time and confortable with the days events. When that is not there no day is eventful. I took care of some yard work after he left. With a sippy cup in his hand and snug in the car seat. Little lips blowing kisses and saying goodbye. My other 2 boys are gone also. Me and my girl friend will take some time to ourself's.
Heard from work today. Good news so that was awesome. Things are turning around so hopefully the stress level will balance out. Watched the movie WatchMen but passed out in the middle. We watched another movie but I cannot remember the name at this moment. Overall it was a semi good day. Not having my son makes the day a little hard. He will be gone for a week, but maybe he will come home sooner.
In the famous words of Yoda "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Be good.
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